Saturday, March 8, 2014

GlutaMax Instant White Review

After a couple of days, GlutaMax introduced their own version of instant white. Unlike the other two, they have no commercial or whatsoever. I found this at SM Hypermarket having the price of Php 399.00.

I find it more interesting because of the "Superbrands" logo.


So here's the before and after:

I'm super impressed with this product that I even forgot the other two! I highly highly highly recommend this one! It made my skin so white and glowing plus the consistency of the product is not sticky unlike skinwhite! 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Vaseline Healthy White Instant Fair Review

After a couple of weeks, Vaseline introduced their new product which is
Vaseline Healthy White Instant fair lotion
It has instant optical effect with skin micro reflectors and triple sunscreens.
Here’s the before and after application:
not sticky & made my skin fair. I highly recommend this one!
better than skin white!

Skin White PowerWhitening Review

Since I'm a bit curious of the commercial Skin White PowerWhitening that instantly whitens your skin, I bought this:

and it says that….  instantly whitens upon application(front) and Get visible results in as early as 7 days!(back) what?!
so here is the before and after:
Verdict: it changed a little bit. I think its because of the color and thickness of the lotion. I'm not impressed!